Support Community Development

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Zeitgeist Center for Arts & Community
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raised by 0 people

What’s in a street, a neighborhood, a transportation network? Who makes decisions and who lives the outcomes? Historically in our country, decisions about health, transportation, and street design have happened to communities rather than with them.

Zeitgeist’s Community Development team takes an equitable and inclusive approach to the work we do. Across the community, we are not just partnering with neighbors and organizations but intimately collaborating with them to envision and activate a healthy and thriving shared future.

We focus on Transforming Transportation by uncovering cultural, structural, and infrastructural barriers in the Twin Ports to having a fully inclusive, safe, and connected transportation network that provides people of all ages and abilities with mobility choices and connects them to vital resources.

Healthy Hillside builds grassroots community leadership in the Hillside neighborhood, delivers health resources to enhance wellbeing, and is convening a community-led health vision to break down existing disparities.

Safer 6th Avenue East applies the transportation work and neighborhood vision to reimagine this harmful street as a great place of connection that prioritizes the people who live there; a once-in-a-generation opportunity to shape the place we call home.

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