Pollen Going Forward

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Pollen Midwest
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Pollen creates stories and connections to spark our imagination and bolster our courage to change.


raised by 71 people

$12,000 goal

We have launched our big goal to raise $12,000 by the end of the year—$4,000 of that on Give to the Max Day. 

At Pollen, we bring you stories that challenge our community to fight for each other when our flawed and beautiful humanity is threatened. And it is our belief that current systems of harm threaten the humanity of too many people. 

You know as we do that both human connection and storytelling play a major role in determining what — and if — changes come to pass.

  • When our world turned upside down as the global pandemic took over, we knew stories, art, and virtual gatherings would nurture a community of care during COVID19.
  • When our community emerged this summer as the epicenter of a national reckoning on police brutality, we knew stories and connection would be the path to imagine a new future for public safety. 

Every dollar you invest in Pollen directly funds more stories, connects more people, and commissions the work of more writers, artists, and community leaders. They believe as you do: deep empathy and connection across difference unlock our limitless potential to build anew. 

We can’t wait to show you what we have in store for 2021. Thank you for building with us towards a more connected, more just, and more beautiful shared humanity.

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