Arlette Ruud Memorial
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Agassiz Audubon Society IncSupport for the installation & maintenance of the new exhibit at the NW Minnesota Pollinator Garden
raised by 68 people
$6,000 goal
July 28, 2022
Orchard Oriole at the fruit feeder
at the NW Minnesota Pollinator Garden
A big THANK YOU! to Arlette Ruud Memorial Exhibit donors for helping Agassiz Audubon reach our 1st project goal: purchase and bird feeders and nest boxes for the new exhibit.
Agassiz Audubon Society will complete the "temporary" installation of feeders (and poles) inside the deer-proof fence at the NW Minnesota Pollinator Garden the first week in August.
The location of these feeders is "temporary" - while AAS prepares a "permanent" exhibit site to the east of the Chimney Swift visitor kiosk.
Additional donations to the Arlette Ruud Memorial Bird-Feeding Exhibit Fund will help Agassiz Audubon develop new interpretive panels, install a nest box trail, and (when fiber-optic reaches the NW Minnesota Pollinator Garden) uplink a web cam.
The new Arlette Ruud Memorial at the NW Minnesota Pollinator Garden will be a tribute to Arlette's love of nature and her enthusiasm for watching birds at her home in rural Gatkze, Minnesota.
Contributions to this project help support Agassiz Audubon's efforts to install and maintain state-of-the-art exhibit for garden visitors to enjoy and emulate.
Our Goals:
1. install feeders and poles
2. set-up a "bird food fund" for this exhibit
3. design new interpretive panels
4. install water features
5. design/install nest box trail
6. install web cam - pending rural fiber-optic internet access