1896 Philadelphia Hand Engine
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Bill & Bonnie Daniels Firefighters Hall & MuseumExtremely rare engine - loan from MN Historical Society. Funds to move from MNHS to Museum & set up
raised by 14 people
$3,000 goal
The Fire Museum is partnering with the Minnesota Historical Society to make available to the public - the display of their 1896 Philadelphia Hand Engine. This is an extremely rare piece with few remaining and the only one in Minnesota. The Engine was horse drawn to the fire scene then operated by 8 to 16 firefighters, equally distributed on both sides of the pump box, raising and lowering the handles which in turn actuated the pump to build pressure for the hose stream.
The Museum is a non-profit trust and relies on donations, admissions, and hall rental for operation. The $3,000 will pay the "packaging/protecting" of the Hand Engine, transport to the museum, off loading and set up in our space. Additional insurances are required as part of the loan. The final component is creation of interpretive signage to ensure a positive experience for museum guests.