Results Educational Fund Inc

A nonprofit organization

1 donor

RESULTS Educational Fund (REF) is a leading force in ending poverty in the United States and around the world.

Our Vision:

Our vision is of a world where the devastating impacts of poverty no longer cripple the ability of individuals and families to sustain themselves and contribute their talents to the world in which they live — where all people have a fair chance at success. But it takes citizens pressuring their leaders for effective anti-poverty programs to receive the attention, policies, and funding they need.

That’s why RESULTS Educational Fund (REF) stands out. Our mission is to create the public and political will to end poverty by empowering individuals to exercise their personal and political power for change. We combine the voices of our passionate grassroots activists with strategic grass-tops efforts to leverage millions of dollars for programs and improved policies that give low-income people the health, education, and opportunity they need to thrive.

How We Work:

REF identifies and promotes the most effective solutions to poverty by:

  • Performing cutting-edge research on poverty issues and programs and oversight of U.S. spending related to poverty domestically and internationally.
  • Building support for proven poverty-fighting strategies by engaging and educating the public, policy makers, and opinion leaders, leading educational trips, working in coalitions, and encouraging the media to report on solutions to poverty.
  • Supporting powerful citizenship by training volunteers in public speaking, generating media, hosting community forums, and educating their communities and elected officials about issues related to our campaigns.

Organization Data


Organization name

Results Educational Fund Inc

Tax id (EIN)



Education Health Economic Development


1101 15th Street NW Suite 1200


(202) 783-4800

Social Media