Work and Worship Institute connects faith communities and business communities. Check out our FaceBook page
Angel's Wings - We provide bus passes and tokens to low income folks through a variety of non-profit organizations such as Loaves and Fishes, Youth LInk, and various churches. Work and Worship Institute fund raises to provide the bus passes by having a garage sale in May, and gift wrapping at Barnes and Noble in December.
Job Fairs - We organize job fairs based in churches. The job fairs focus on building community around a place of faith. Help us by sharing job openings on our Facebook page.
Book Studies - We have in-person book discussions about business, leadership, values and ethics. We continue these topics on the Work and Worship Institute Facebook page. We have discussed books like "Pirate Organizations" " Leading with Soul" "Leadership Without Easy Answers" "Narnia" "The Giver"