Woodbury Options for Women

A nonprofit organization

145 donors

Woodbury Options for Women serves women in an unexpected pregnancy.  Unprepared, she may not know where to turn.  We want to be the first place she turns.  We offer compassionate no-cost care and guidance for her to make a decision of parenting, abortion or adoption.   We provide medically accurate information, but do not provide abortions.

All of our services are free and confidential.  Pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, STD testing, parenting education, adoption referral. We're here to help. 

Your gift supports Woodbury Options for Women, which may be the only support she will receive.

 Thank you and God Bless.

Organization Data


Organization name

Woodbury Options for Women

Tax id (EIN)



Education Children & Family Memorials


1000 Radio Dr STE 100
Woodbury, MN 55125


651 340 9062

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