Witness for Peace Solidarity Collective

A nonprofit organization

9 donors

WFP Solidarity Collective is celebrating 40 years of on-the-ground accompaniment and solidarity with communities defending life, land, and dignity in Latin America and the Caribbean.

A lot has changed since our first long-termers arrived in Nicaragua in 1983. We expanded our teams to cover other countries beyond Nicaragua, and in 2019 shifted to a horizontal worker-self-directed model. 

However, some things remain the same. Human rights and environmental land defenders in Colombia and Honduras still face alarming rates of threats, attacks, and assassinations. Our presence is still urgently needed to provide protection for our partners. Moreover, the U.S. has tightened its economic war on Cuba, unjustly adding Cuba to the State Sponsors of Terror List, a policy designed to further suffocate the Cuban people. 

Colombia and Honduras remain the most dangerous countries in the world for environmental land defenders. In 2022, over half the environmental defenders killed globally were in Colombia and Honduras. 

We are a small but mighty staff of nine who work on everything from physical protection and facilitating delegations witnessing the harmful impacts of U.S. foreign policy, to coordinating urgent actions, webinars, and collective work with different coalitions. 

Your support will make certain that we are able to travel, facilitate protection workshops, coordinate strategic meetings for frontline communities to strengthen community and exchange effective strategies, and conduct regular advocacy meetings.

Will you stand with communities on the frontlines organizing to protect their communities, the environment, and our collective future?

Organization Data


Organization name

Witness for Peace Solidarity Collective

Tax id (EIN)




BIPOC Serving

BIPOC Serving




5123 W 98th St #1129
Minneapolis, MN 55437