Organization name
Willmar Public Schools Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Health , Science, Tech & Business , Children & Family , Emergencies , Sports
611 5TH ST SWWILLMAR, MN 56201
$125 raised by 2 donors
1% complete
$20,000 Goal
Last school year, the Willmar Public Schools Foundation provided $22,419.58 to enriched and expanded the learning experiences of the Willmar area students.
We support many students with their activity fees so they could participate in extracurricular activities.
We help support registrations and transportation costs of students to attend Museums, Theatre, National competitions and other field trips.
Your support is much appreciated each year, to help continue our mission for the students.
Thank you very much for your continued support.
Organization name
Willmar Public Schools Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Health , Science, Tech & Business , Children & Family , Emergencies , Sports
611 5TH ST SW