Donate to New Hope Domestic Violence Program
$25 Raised
Fishers of Men Program, the flagship initiative of Wellspring Second Chance Center, was developed as a faith-based re-entry program that will shepherd community resources and provide programming and services expertise in the area of improving the lives of ex-offenders.
The goal of our agency is to enhance the lives of YOUTH / ADULT ex-offenders (program participants) so that they may re-enter society as law-abiding, productive, and responsible citizens.
We provide culturally sensitive, trauma-informed programming while encouraging self-regulation and reliance. We use two-way relationship groups, individual counseling, self-esteem building, conflict management, college preparatory curriculum, Counting Your Blessings-Theory Based Curriculum, restorative justice, and cooperation with corporations while contributing to a safer community.
Our services address criminogenic risks and needs of the youth such as life skills and mood management.
Your giving of $100.00 provides one youth an opportunity to participate in our EWCP Program, which is a work-based learning program, receive academic credits towards graduating, and financial and computer literacy. This program promotes efforts to cultivate diversity and inclusion in our community-based program that advances opportunities for diverse populations involved that normally would be involved in gun violence and/or crimes. Your funds help us provide youth with uniforms to work and transportation to work sites.
Your giving of $100.00 provides one youth to receive a nutritional meal and participate in our eleven-week CHOICE Program. An intensive intervention program that addresses hopelessness and acting out through violence or acting desperately addresses their deficiencies and replaces them with a strong sense of self and confidence, which empowers them and prevents them from being court-ordered in a youth correctional facility.
Upon entering the program, either before or after leaving the correctional facility, participants undergo a customized intake process to determine their goals and objectives to complete in order that they may have a smooth transition and a successful healthy life after incarceration as a new person).
Many of our youth have gone to attend two and four-year colleges and universities upon participating in one of our programs. Your dollars help support our efforts in helping them achieve those goals.
We believe if we change a man’s heart, you can change his ways, thus transforming lives, reducing intergenerational incarceration, restoring and strengthening families, interrupting the prison pipeline of our youth, assisting individuals to re-enter society as law-abiding, productive, and responsible citizens while contributing to a safer Minnesota.
Second Chance________________________________
( Nurturing the seed will bring forth a new person)
Youth Programming
CHOiCE Program
New Hope Domestic Violence Program
SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program)
EWCP (Work-Based Learning Enrichment Program)
501 (c)(3) non-profit organization and we rely heavily on your generosity.
We thank you for your tax-deductible gift.
Wellsprings is always looking for more volunteers and mentors to assist in the success of the program. To request a volunteer form to be sent out to you, please contact us at:
2134 44th Ave. N.
Minneapolis, MN 55412
For more information: Deseria Galloway at 612-296-2895.
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer/Americans with Disabilities Act
Wellspring Second Chance Center does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or disability.
Organization name
Wellspring Second Chance Center
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family , Community , Economic Development
2134 44th Ave N