Webber-Camden Neighborhood Organization

A nonprofit organization

8 donors

100% complete

$1,000 Goal

We are small but mighty and working hard to make the world a better place!

Webber Camden Neighborhood Organization is a nonprofit working every day to live out racial and economic equity in our community.  Located in upper North Minneapolis, Webber Camden experiences much of the same agony and opportunity as the rest of North Minneapolis.  Over 60% of our populations are BIPOC and over 30% of our community lives in poverty.  31% of the community are youth under the age of 17.  We have a beautiful neighborhood with many wonderful homes and great people who come together to share joy and share concerns and create solutions where we can for an even better environment.  Our leadership are residents elected by the rest of the community annually.   We have one full-time and three part-time staff.

WCNO provides a number of programs and events

*  Youth Leadership Council which meets twice a month to determine how to better their community through service

* Violence prevention programs for youth including time to interact with peers and build social skills in safe space as well as physical  activity and outdoor events like 3:3 basketball, kickball, kayaking, arts and financial management  

*  Trauma informed healing circles for youth and community members

*  A variety of housing programs providing assistance with purchasing and rehabbing local homes and a senior program to help them stay in their home longer.

*  Equity in Safety program that reimburses neighbors up to $250 for purchase of safety items like alarms and cameras.

*  Business assistance to help with improving the exteriors of local businesses and coordinating opportunities for them to thrive.

*  Supporting block clubs and National Night Out

*  Annual BBQ which drew over 300 people this year, Fall Festival and Spring Pop Out with Henry High School

*  Quarterly newsletter, community flyers, brochures and social media

We are busy and dedicated to the maintaining Webber Camden as one of the best places to live and work in the Twin Cities but our resources are limited and we could sure use your help.  

Organization Data


Organization name

Webber-Camden Neighborhood Organization

Tax id (EIN)




BIPOC Serving

BIPOC Serving




1206 37TH AVE N

