Organization name
Walk-In Counseling Center Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Community
2421 Chicago AveMinneapolis, MN 55404
Who are we?
Walk-In Counseling Center provides free, anonymous, easily accessible mental health counseling services, by professional volunteers. We serve unmet needs for accessible mental health counseling services in our community, helping people stabilize during a time of crisis and resolve problems before they become severe.
Since 1969, Walk-In Counseling Center has helped tens of thousands of people address difficult emotional and social issues by providing free, no-appointment-needed mental health and crisis counseling every weekday.
We estimate that over our 54 years of service, our professional volunteers have provided mental health counseling valued at more than $32 million.
Who do we serve?
Who comes to Walk-In? Anyone who has an emotional or interpersonal problem and needs help.
Mary H., a Walk-In counselor, described her work here:
“I have seen gay, lesbian, straight and transgender individuals. I saw a doctor when she reached crises in her life and didn't want counseling to affect her malpractice insurance. I have seen high profile business people and politicians who needed complete anonymity. I have seen the mother of a transgender male, prostitutes, teachers, housewives, undocumented immigrants, a Somali man who watched his father and brother murdered, chemically dependent individuals, couples, families and individuals, people with serious and persistently mental illness and those just wanting to enrich their lives.”
Our services are available every weekday by phone or computer. Three afternoons a week, in-person clinics are open. People of all ages and ethnicities are welcome. Services in Spanish are available by appointment.
Some come only once. They may decide they're really not ready yet to do the work it will take, or they get what they need to access other appropriate services or specialists. Many others need and return for several counseling sessions to address complex issues.
Most people who come here cannot afford the cost of counseling or insurance copays. Others have money and insurance, but they cannot wait weeks for an appointment. Some people need complete anonymity – a place where they are not required to give a name and other identifying information. We respect and serve all of these people.
Many former clients refer loved ones, friends and associates to Walk-In after their own experience here.
Why should you support Walk-In?
Economic uncertainty, joblessness and social policy shifts have left many people who need mental health services without access to such care.
Walk-In's role has become more critical as other safety net services shrink or disappear. In 2023, we served over 1,600 people.
Walk-In is funded almost entirely by philanthropic grants and donations from individuals and families - people like you who believe in our mission.
Every dollar you donate helps us help people who are hurting and have nowhere else to go...every donation helps keep our free services available to all.
Organization name
Walk-In Counseling Center Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Community
2421 Chicago Ave