Our Mission: is to provide service dogs to veterans with physical and mental health challenges.
Our Vision Is to be the premier, national, not-for-profit organization for veterans seeking and receiving assistance/service or skilled companion dogs at no cost to the veterans. Be the most effective and trusted resource to provide canine therapy for veterans. Optimize veterans' employment in distributing service dogs to veterans to meet growing demands. Make a meaningful difference in the lives of our veterans and increase their safety and independence within their environment. Enjoy some testimonials friends and volunteers have shared about our work in canine-assisted therapy! "The passion and commitment of this organization to help and assist veterans in their everyday lives was the first thing I noticed, Êand it was enough for me to join and assist in anyway I can. I am not a laughing or smiling individual but when I see a comfort dog or puppy rollover on to itsÕ back and allow 3-4 sets of hands scratch his/her tummy, I smile from ear to ear." --Michael Turner, LT, USN, Ret.ÑJuly 25, 2011 ÒRegardless of your views on the wars going on today, IÕm sure you agree with me that it is our duty to support our veterans: the great men and women who are giving so very much of themselvesÑsometimes their very livesÑso that we can enjoy our precious freedom and way of life. Strong evidence points to a significant reduction in the amount of time, effort, and money required for traditional therapy when service dogs are introduced as a complement to a wounded veteranÕs standard rehabilitation program. If you have ever had a dog in your life, you know what a positive effect a four-legged family member can have on your well-being. Imagine the possibilities that highly-trained service dogs can offer to our vulnerable veterans!Ó -John Carl, President of the Retirement Learning Center and Veterans Moving Forward Board Member, sharing with colleagues why he financially supports VMF àMar 18, 2011. ÒIÕm absolutely sold on the benefits of canine therapy in a hospital environment. I brightened up andÊforgot about the pain for a few brief moments when the dogs arrived for a visitÊto the 5th floor. IÕve been fortunate to work with military working dogs (MWDÕs), and they are great companions to have around. Yes, dogs are better than [some] chaplains! IÕm doing great and should make 100% recovery in a few months.Ó - John Murray, HMCS, U.S. Navy, reflecting on his visit with IDEN when he was a patient at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center at BethesdaàDec 2, 2010. ÒEven in a crowded room of providers, handlers, veterans and non-veterans, [therapy-dog]ÊIDEN, intuitively sought out the veterans with the most pain and suffering.ÊOn two separate occasions she placed her head on their feet and their knees and looked soulfully into their eyes and allowed them to express warmth and loving touches toward her. There she remained during the entire sessions.Ó - Mary Beth Williams, PhD, LCSW, CTS and noted trauma specialist in private practice in Warrenton, Virginia àNov 1, 2010. ÒThe nurses were thrilled with the dogsÕ visit, and they invited us to pop in to visit with all the wounded warriors in that area. I went with EDWIN to a few rooms. He is a Yellow Lab, Golden Retriever mix with the sweetest personality!ÊEDWIN met Mark who was recently paralyzed and I donÕt think I have ever seen anyone so happy to see a dog!ÊHe had his wife move her chair and the trays to make room for the dog to come in. EDWIN walked over to the edge of the bed and started wagging his tail as he laid his muzzle on the manÕs torso. Mark wanted EDWIN to get up on the bed with him so it would be easier for him to pet the dog. EDWIN put his front feet up on the bed, then got close up to Mark and laid his head on MarkÕs chest and he even tried to sneak in a kiss. His handler said ÒHey, no kissing on the first date!Ó Mark said, ÒthatÕs okÓ and let EDWIN lick his face.ÊHe talked about how he missed his dog at home and how the visit really made his day. It was a magical moment to witness. - Wanda Schmitt, Marine Mom, sharing her experience visiting her sonÕs battalion mates at the former Walter Reed Army Medical CenterÕs Amputee Unit àOct 29, 2010.