Organization name
Urban Ventures
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family , Community
BIPOC Serving
BIPOC Serving
2924 4th Ave SMinneapolis, MN 55408
Last year, your donations helped us serve over 6,000 individuals. The needs of our community are great, but you are helping us make a meaningful difference. This year, we will serve over 8,000 families students and families with your help.
Urban Ventures provides cradle-to-career support for youth and families in one of the most under-resourced neighborhoods in Minneapolis. We have a big audacious goal to prepare and send every child in our neighborhood to college or another form of postsecondary education. Such a goal requires many programs working together to serve the whole family the whole way from cradle to career. Some of those programs include:
Your gift allows us to expand our capacity and serve more families. On average, our cradle-to-career model costs $1,200/year to support one of our neighbors. You can help us get kids and their families off of the waiting list and into our cradle-to-career programs We can't do it without you!
Want to learn the story of Urban Ventures? Watch this short film about the history of our neighborhood and organization here.
Organization name
Urban Ventures
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family , Community
BIPOC Serving
BIPOC Serving
2924 4th Ave S