Organization name
Trinity Sober Homes
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Faith , Community
983 Ashland AveSaint Paul, MN 55104
Trinity Sober Homes is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created by Father Martin Fleming as a legacy organization to ensure the work he started in 1979 would continue for decades to come. Trinity Sober Homes is America's first and only Catholic sober-living residences. Our mission is to provide quality housing and Catholic faith-based support to recovering alcoholics of all faiths.
Our sober homes are located in St. Paul's historic Ramsey Hill and Merriam Park Districts and we cater to men who are 40 years old and over. Our focus is on our residents and their recovery. We specialize in providing them with structured community living and offer on-site spiritual support and guidance. Our residents do not need to be Catholic, only accept that there is a higher power and that it is not them.
Our programs are designed to help our residents heal and grow into a new life where they can live successfully with their addictions. Our resident fees include one-on-one spiritual life coaching to provide a solid foundation for our residents to build upon.
Organization name
Trinity Sober Homes
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Faith , Community
983 Ashland Ave