Organization name
Theatre Pro Rata
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture
8717 Colfax Ave SBloomington, MN 55420
For 24 years Theatre Pro Rata has connected artists and audience through passion for the play. It's your support that makes this possible. Time and time again people tell us about connections they have made because of a Pro Rata show. What's your story?
Our work matters. It's important to the Twin Cities theater community. We created an Equity, Inclusion, & Diversity Statement, a Harassment Policy, a Fight Choreography & Intimacy Procedure, and our newest: a responsible and ethical AI usage policy. We will only consider plays written by women, LGBTQIA+, and/or BIPOC for the foreseeable future. We are increasing the representation of BIPOC individuals in Theatre Pro Rata casts to reflect the diversity of our Twin Cities Metro area. We are raising our stipends to the highest our budget will allow.
"I am honestly so impressed with TPR both with the practical steps you are taking to make artist lives livable (no more 10 hour work days) and with your commitment to diverse casting that matches the demographics of our community. Theatre has been such a white centric space for a long time - it takes theaters like Pro Rata actively paying attention to bring about real long term change." - Julie Phillips
Theatre Pro Rata is a small professional theater company based in Minneapolis, MN. We're interested in how we do theater, not what kind of theater it is (that's why we do edgy black comedies as well as Shakespeare). We believe the creative process is important, and if the process is meaningful, the end product will be meaningful as well.
"I really appreciate TPR's commitment to a 5-day rehearsal week. Artists need weekends and time to run errands too!" - Maggie Cramer
The term "Pro Rata" is Latin for "in proportion." It refers to the distribution of shares or liabilities by an exactly calculable factor. We chose the name to reflect the collaborative nature of our theater -- meaning that we succeed in proportion to the communal efforts of a group of committed artists.
We are Pro Rata: we create smart, vivid, varied, and gutsy programming. As an audience member, you’ll be part of moving, thought-provoking theatre.
Organization name
Theatre Pro Rata
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture
8717 Colfax Ave S