The Reading Center / Dyslexia Institute of Minn

A nonprofit organization

702 donors

Students with dyslexia find expert help and support at The Reading Center. 73 Years of Service!

Since 1951, the Reading Center has been teaching kids and adults with reading disabilities (known as dyslexia) how to read, but most importantly we help kids and adults gain confidence and believe in themselves. Using the evidence-based Orton Gillingham (OG) approach, highly trained Reading Center Academic Language Therapists (known as tutors) teach kids and adults one-on-one, online and in small groups. We are a world-renowned source of Orton Gillingham training for educators, parents and others to learn the approach that is successful to teach dyslexic individuals how to read, write and spell.

Former students know that the Reading Center made a critical difference:

“Paula Rome told me, ‘You CAN do it.  You’re not stupid, you are actually very smart, you just learn differently,’” Without that recognition, my life would have followed a very different track.”         

Brooks Edwards, M.D., Cardiologist, Director, Mayo Transplant Center

“The first time I remember getting praise and smiles for my schoolwork was from Jean Osman, from the Reading Center.  Jean taught me coping skills to help me succeed that I still use today.             

Greg Nesler, owner, Rochester Plumbing and Heating

“It has had a tremendous impact in my life.  I probably wouldn't be where I’m at right now if it wasn't for the Reading Center.”  Charles Crutchfield III, M.D., Crutchfield Dermatology

“I got help for my dyslexia  and I found that I could be successful.”  

Joe Powers, owner of the Canadian Honker

 “Now, kids come to me for help!  It feels really good when my classmates say, ‘I never knew you were this smart.’”    Nick, 10th grader.

 “People like me can learn if we get the right tools, like Orton-Gillingham instruction. 

Sam Hagedorn, junior, American University

 Reading Center parents see the impact too:

“After 1 ½ years, the results are nothing short of amazing.  My daughter’s re-test results showed that as a 4th grader, she was scoring at and above her grade level, in some cases above a 6th grade level.”

" My son would have lived his life unaware of how gifted and bright he is [without the Reading Center's tutoring]."

“When my daughter was tested at age 6, I was told she would probably never be a fluent reader.  When Mayo tested her at 14, her comprehension was at 12th grade or college level.  She loves to read.  What a gift we have given her.”

“[My children] have both made huge gains in reading.  Neither are considered at-risk readers now, but they were to start with.”

"My son can comprehend what he is reading. . . . He has received the help that he needs and we are so thankful for that.”

“He now picks up books to read for the fun of it. . . . When I catch him up past his bedtime reading, how can a parent get upset?”

“During a re-test at Mayo, my daughter’s doctor told me, ‘Whatever you are doing, keep doing it.  She’s made astonishing gains."

Organization Data


Organization name

The Reading Center / Dyslexia Institute of Minn

Tax id (EIN)



Education Children & Family


2010 Scott Rd NW
Rochester, MN 55901



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