Organization name
Tech High School Alumni Association Inc
Tax id (EIN)
P.O. Box 2255St. Cloud, MN 56302
The Tech High School Alumni Association (THSAA) was founded in 1991. It was set up as a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization and maintains a tax exempt status.
THSAA Mission Statement
“It is our mission to bring all generations of Tech students together by continuing a school environment which honors the pride, legacy & traditions shared by all Tech graduates.”
The organization operates under the guidance of a Board of Directors comprised of alumni volunteering their time and talents. Current THSAA Board of Directors -
Jim Dahl, President - Class of 1976
John Scharenbroich, Secretary - Class of 1981
Jody Voigt, Treasurer - Class of 1988
Charlie Eisenreich, Member - Class of 1982
Bruce Mohs, Member - Class of 1962
Joe Henry, Member - Class of 1985
Marty Heine, Member - Class of 1978
Sally Jackula, Member - Class of 1993
Meetings are conduted on a monthly basis during the school year and are open to any alumni. We meet the first Wednesday of the month at Tech in the Tiger Den - 6:00 PM
THSAA assists alumni in the following ways -
- Maintains a database of alumni contact information
- Maintains a physical archive of school memorabilia and communications accessible to current students and alumni
- Conducts periodic ceremonies to honor distinguished alumni
- Assists in providing materials and school tours for reunions
- Special projects to preserve the history of the school and its alumni
THSAA assists the school and its current population in some of the following ways -
- Support of an annual scholarship program to assist students in their continued education
- Participates in funding school events and activities.
We invite alumni and anyone with an interest in the organization to contact us.
Contact us at:
Technical High School Alumni Association
PO Box 2255
St. Cloud, MN 56302
Phone: (320)310-3538
Website -
Thank you for considering us in your charitable giving.
Organization name
Tech High School Alumni Association Inc
Tax id (EIN)
P.O. Box 2255