Organization name
Success Through Adults Reaching Students
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family , Volunteer
2202 Stevens StreetAlbert Lea, MN 56007
Success Through Adults Reaching Students, or STARS serves eastern Faribault County, Minnesota, including the United South Central School District and all of Freeborn County, Minnesota, including Albert Lea Area Schools, Glenville/Emmons Schools and Alden/Conger Schools. We have an office in Albert Lea. The world is a confusing place. Young people receive mixed messages about tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs , sex and violence from TV and movies, music lyrics, video games, their friends and sometimes even the adults in their lives. They need someone to talk to, someone who will listen and not judge. A mentor is a caring adult friend and role model, someone a young person can trust, enjoy being with and learn from. Mentors and mentees are free to choose safe and wholesome social, recreational and educational activities according to their mutual interests. They might play games, swim, bike, bake cookies, go fishing or visit a library. Mentors help with school work or special projects. Many of STARS mentors have been mentoring the same young person for many years. As trusted friends they are able to introduce their mentees to community resources, activities they might not have tried on their own, and new ways of thinking. Mentoring is a cost-effective prevention strategy because our mission is largely carrried out by volunteers. However, funds are needed for recruiting, screening and training mentors, for supporting mentoring relationships throughout their duration and for the activities we offer mentors and mentees. We rely on your donations. More youth can be served through your generosity. For more information contact Mary Jo Volkman at 507-383-5272 or
Organization name
Success Through Adults Reaching Students
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family , Volunteer
2202 Stevens Street