Organization name
Stray Feral Rescue
Tax id (EIN)
772 150th AveAmery, WI 54001
Well, we sure wish we had received $65000 this year! That’s our total for all the years we have worked with GiveMN! And there have been many as Stray Feral was started back in 2006. And we thank everyone who has helped us get this far and save SO many cats!
Our organization is quite unique in that over 90% of the cats we work with have no viable options for placement in a traditional home due to behavior, age, health, or everyone else being full. We do our best to improve cat's lives, by giving them a chance to have one, by providing somewhere for them to go.
Most the cats we rescue are outdoor cats. We now have 22 colonies under our care, all on private property, and all have caregivers on site to see they are fed and watered and who monitor their health. We give cats that have nowhere else to go , a place to live and grow. We check on the cats and caregivers once or twice a week. All cats are spayed or neutered, all vaccinated, and all receive vet care when needed. Our cats all have warm shelters, so they stay comfortable even in the worst weather. Snug warm or heated housing, vet care and catered meals! What more could a Community cat need!
Some of the cats we assist are friendly abandoned house cats, and we do our best to find them a homes. Some of our colonies provide a combination of indoor and outdoor living and are fenced for cats inexperienced in outdoor living. We assist low income people by helping get vet care for their cats. We work with other rescue groups who have adoption programs and assist independent rescue people. We also help senior citizens link up with senior cats.
We do as much as we can but after Covid so many cats were abandoned unfixed. So many people have lost jobs or homes, so have left cats behind or released them when they were unable to care for them so numbers of unfixed strays has increased. Disease spreads faster with more cats so more are sick and need our help. The shortage of veterinarians has made things harder as the costs of care have gone up and well as the travel time to find a vet that can give us an appointment, and gas costs are sky high. We need you more than ever, and we thank you so much for any help you can give us!
Organization name
Stray Feral Rescue
Tax id (EIN)
772 150th Ave