Organization name
Still Kickin
Tax id (EIN)
Health, Children & Family, Community, Economic Development, Emergencies, Memorials, Ideas, Wishes
79 13th Ave NE #210Minneapolis, MN 55413
You’re here because you want to donate, right? AWESOME. WE LOVE YOU. Your one-off gift is so appreciated. Or, if you want to go the extra mile, consider becoming a Still Kickin Sidekick. Your recurring donation helps us #HelpAHumanOut month after month.
Still Kickin helps awesome people going through awful things like cancer, homelessness, physical illness, death, mental illness, domestic violence, assault and marginalization.
Every month, we choose a person or family going through something difficult—a Still Kickin Hero—and give them an unrestricted financial grant. Grant money comes from our merchandise sales, ticketed events and, of course, your donation.
Organization name
Still Kickin
Tax id (EIN)
Health, Children & Family, Community, Economic Development, Emergencies, Memorials, Ideas, Wishes
79 13th Ave NE #210