Stevens Square Community Organization, founded in 1975, is the official neighborhood organization representing the Stevens Square-Loring Heights neighborhoods and services 4,000 residents.
At SSCO, we are residents working to make sure our neighbors love where they live.
We do this by maintaining a wide range of free programming and opportunities for our fellow SS-LH residents to engage in: from the arts, to gardening and greenspace, to community health and safety, to our built environment, to community connection, to local government - there's something for everyone.
Your donation allows us to expand our ability to provide accessible and relevant activities to our neighbors in Stevens Square-Loring Heights, such as:
Long-standing community-building events like Red Hot Art Festival an annual summer event in Stevens Square Park
An innovative Rental Discount program, encouraging the large numbers of renters in our neighborhood to get involved by providing a discount on rent up to $225 a month for volunteering and attending community committee meetings
Official community meetings where we facilitate grassroots information exchange and decision-making about issues impacting our neighborhood
Free food provided at our quarterly events.
- Inclusive language options with our Translation Service Tool available on our website.
A Citizen-led Safety Team promoting safety and engaging community members through neighborhood walks.
Community listening-sessions facilitated by neighbors to gather feedback on programming as well as information about our community-member's needs and wants
Greening programs like our beautiful community gardens and sustainable initiatives including a partnership with Cooperative Energy to help reduce the cost of tenant's energy bill.
And more!
More information about SSCO and how to get involved can be found at