Organization name
Steiger International Ltd
Tax id (EIN)
PO Box 480Huntington, MA 01050-0480
The Secularized Global Youth Culture, aged 17-35, found in urban centers in every country and continent, represents one of the largest unreached people groups in the world: over 1 billion souls.
This generation is connected by the web and global entertainment industry. They share fashion, values and symbols that form a globalized culture. Young people in Amsterdam are watching the same movies, listening to the same music and playing the same video games as those in Beirut, Sao Paulo or New York.
Unfortunately, they are being destroyed by the world's lies through the entertainment industry, pop culture, and economic strategies that prey upon them. As a result, the young adults and adolescents in this demographic often revert to a life of anger, hopelessness and despair.
Sadly, they do not typically go to the Church for answers because this global culture is strongly marked by secularism. Many believe mainstream institutionalized religion to be irrelevant to their day-to-day life - a dead, empty tradition of the past. They have negative misconceptions of who Jesus is and what it means to follow Him. As a result, a cultural divide exists between the secularized global culture and the Church.
In order to reach them, Steiger brings the message of Jesus to where they are at, in their own context and in a “language” they can understand —as modeled by Christ’s example and teaching (See the Parable of the Lost Sheep in Luke 15:1-7 as an example).
The 2015 No Longer Music Tour Highlights
The 2015 tour was one of the most intense and fruitful in our history. The team spent over 600 hours driving and played shows from Moscow to the southern t
Organization name
Steiger International Ltd
Tax id (EIN)
PO Box 480