Organization name
Spring Grove Elementary
NCES ID Number
113 2nd Ave NWSpring Grove, MN 55974-0626
(507) 498-3223
The Spring Grove School District is a small, rural K - 12 school district located in the southeast corner of the state. The district prides itself on the academic achievement of the students, as well as their participation in extra-curricular activities. The school has a 97% attendance rate in both the elementary and secondary schools. The graduation rate is consistently 100%.
Strenghts of the school district include a 1 to 1 laptop program for all 7th - 12th grade students, Advanced Placement and college credit courses, high quality faculty, a safe school environment, student-teacher ratio, extra-curricular opportunities, and a strong sense of community.
Organization name
Spring Grove Elementary
NCES ID Number
113 2nd Ave NWPhone
(507) 498-3223