Organization name
Spectrum High School and Spectrum Middle School
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family
17796 Industrial Circle NWELK RIVER, MN 55330
Thank you for visiting our page! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to fund the Link and Web programs at Spectrum - including training student leaders.
Link and WEB (What Everyone Needs) are international orientation programs utilized at Spectrum to welcome students and build a positive school culture. The crews are made up of select responsible and positive student leaders who come together to welcome new 6th and 9th graders to Spectrum and support them throughout the school year.
Taking on the role of being a Link or WEB Crew Leader is a big responsibility - often tutoring, providing guidance, and being a support system for younger students. The overall objective of Link and WEB Crew is to provide structures in which students make real connections with each other and learn that people at school care about them and their success.
Spectrum High School is a comprehensive high school in Elk River, MN whose mission focuses on a 3-dimentional strategy emphasizing a college-preparatory curriculum, a technology integrated environment, and community-based outreach. The spring of 2016 marked Spectrum's completion of ten years in operation. Spectrum HS currently serves 750 students in grades 6-12.
While charter schools do receive state funding, they do not receive financing through levies like traditional public schools. and Give to the Max Day provide vital resources to our school.
We invite YOU to donate. Donations can be a one-time contribution or a recurring gift. Your investment helps to develop students into the community members, employees, and leaders we all desire in our world.
Please support our school by Giving to the Max!
College at Spectrum High allows students to earn college credit in high school.
Organization name
Spectrum High School and Spectrum Middle School
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family
17796 Industrial Circle NW