Organization name
Sexual Assault Services Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family , Community
606 NW 5th Street Suite BBRAINERD, MN 56401
Sexual assault is an act of violence. This can be obvious, as in a situation in which a weapon, physical force or a threat is used against the victim or someone the victim cares about. In other situations, the violence is more subtle, as when a position of authority, age, size or status is used to trick, scare or manipulate the victim.Anyone can be a victim of sexual assault. People of all ages, races, economic backgrounds, and lifestyles have been victims. Males as well as females are victims. All Deserve help and support.
No one deserves to be victimized.
What can Sexual Assault Services do for you?
Provide an advocate who has received training and experience dealing with the after effects of sexual violence, whether it happened recently or in the past.
An advocate can provide information and support through the medical, social, and legal systems. Listening to an individual, responding to questions, and providing options are some of the most immediate needs. These services are also available to your support people.
Services:~Advocacy and support during medical and legal procedures, including court hearings and trials.~Assistance in filing an Order for Protection or Harassment Restraining Order.~Support groups for adolescent and adult sexual assault survivors.~Training for professionals.~Community educations through schools, businesses, or community organizations on topics such as:Sexual Assault Services & AdvocacySexual Abuse PreventionPersonal Body SafetySigns and Indicators of AbuseBullying/Sexual HarassmentHealthy Relationships and Boundaries
Organization name
Sexual Assault Services Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family , Community
606 NW 5th Street Suite B