Organization name
Somali American Women Action Center
Tax id (EIN)
Community , Economic Development , Humanitarian Aid
Somali American Women Action Center also known as "SAWAC" was formed by immigrant and refugee women who have been faced by multiple barriers first hand as they come in the U.S Workforce. Sewing4living is one of our main the projects that was identified by the women we serve to break the cycle of poverty.This project was developed through a participatory process that engaged various members of the target constituency. Based on the self-identified needs of women in the community, this program is working with various stakeholders to collaborate in providing assistance and resources to address these needs.
Minnesota is the home of many Immigrants women who experienced education and employment disparities, which force them to live below the poverty line and rely heavily on social assistance to support their families. Multiple barriers prevent them from furthering their education and securing living wage employments. Currently, low skill and low paying jobs are available.Using a participatory approach, the women facing these challenges have identified a way of combining both Sewing and a micro-entrepreneurial skills as a possible solution to the problem
Expected Program outcomes:
Self sufficiency of the immigrant women who will be in position to creating human ways of surviving and having a source of income in their lives by exploiting their Sewing and enterprenuer skills and talents.
Many of Immigrant women in Hennepin and Ramsey Counties will discover different ways of earning a living and will learn a lot in career guidance, counseling and business management.
Immigrants Women will develop a Strategic business Action Plan to help them achieve their entrepreneurship goals.
Increase women’s work and entrepreneurial self-efficacy
Increase community and economic development by supporting the development of immigrant women owned businesses in 12 months.
Increase the number of innovative, self-starting Immigrant women owned businesses.
Decrease social service dependency of the immigrants women.
Increase employment of program participants measured by securing employment and/or self-employment success.
Improve the economic status of the Immigrant women through business skills and education.
Helping immigrant women promote their cultural clothing through the sewing and designing their cultural outfits.
Create micro-entrepreneurial opportunities for immigrant and refugee women.
This program is unique because it combines both Sewing skills and business management Which uncovered the need for women in entrepreneurial development. There is a need for a new space where these women will have access to resources and learn in a supportive environment, and the opportunity to build the skills sets needed to attain self-sufficiency. We believe our organization can provide such a space and program.
Our plan and strategy is to build immigrant women’s work capacity and empower women to become independent. The SAWAC possesses staff/volunteers and partners who can provide guidance, training and professional consultation. Additionally, our organization will provide servers, fabrics, body form donations and a space for women to receive training and work on their sewing and Entrepreneurship skills. The immigrant community served is willing to participate indefinitely to enable themselves to join the productive workforce.
Please donate to our great cause of helping Immigrant and refugee women thrive economically.
Organization name
Somali American Women Action Center
Tax id (EIN)
Community , Economic Development , Humanitarian Aid