Organization name
Safe Avenues
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Health , Children & Family , Community , Emergencies
P.O. Box 568WILLMAR, MN 56201-0000
Safe Avenues provides advocacy services for victims of domestic and sexual violence, parenting time services for families in need, as well as safe emergency shelter for victims of abuse.
A snap shot of our programs:
Donations of product, supplies and money are much needed and appreciated to continue the life saving work of Safe Avenues. Please consider a contribution today and partner with us to empower more than 2362 survivors each year to work, play and contribute safely in our communities once again!
Safe Avenues: envisioning a united community committed to the safety of all! Your gift is an important part of our vision realized!
Organization name
Safe Avenues
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Health , Children & Family , Community , Emergencies
P.O. Box 568