Organization name
Royal Family Kids Mankato Inc
Tax id (EIN)
1400 Madison Ave Ste 208Mankato, MN 56001-5477
Every year in our community, Child Protective Services
opens more than 400 new cases on behalf of children in the
greater Mankato area. That’s more than one child every day. And
every day, you see these children - you pass them at the grocery
store, or they may be your neighbors. Perhaps you were one of
these children yourself.
The vision of Royal Family KIDS Mankato is for every child ages 6-12 working with social services in Mankato and the surrounding region to experience a life-changing camp, club and mentor. Our mission is to create a place where kids in the social services system are treated like royalty, shown love with no strings attached and make positive memories to last a lifetime.
Organization name
Royal Family Kids Mankato Inc
Tax id (EIN)
1400 Madison Ave Ste 208