Organization name
Rosemount High School Choir Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
3335 142ND ST WROSEMOUNT, MN 55068
Thank you for your support of the Rosemount High School Choir Foundation. Donations are directly used to support the students in our program in many ways including private voice lessons, scholarships and honor choirs. We would not be able to do what we do without you. For that, we are grateful for your support!
The Rosemount High School choral program comprises seven curricular choirs that meet during the day and six co-curricular choirs that rehearse outside of the school day. The curricular choirs include Cantabile (ninth-grade treble chorus), Cantemus (ninth-grade tenor-bass chorus), Bella Voce (intermediate treble, grades 10 through 12), Vox Nova (intermediate tenor-bass, grades 10 through 12), Bel Canto (advanced treble, grades 10 through 12), Vivace (advanced tenor-bass, grades 10 through 12), and Concert Choir (advanced mixed, grades 11 and 12).
Our co-curricular choirs include Cantabile Chamber Ensemble (9th-grade select treble choir), Cantemus Chamber Ensemble (9th-grade select tenor-bass ensemble), Da Capo (sophomore select mixed chamber ensemble), Aurora (select treble singers, grades 10 through 12), Luminos (select tenor and bass singers, grades 10 through 12), and Chamber Singers (select mixed ensemble of 24 singers, grades 11 and 12).
The program emphasizes the development of comprehensive, lifelong musical skills for all singers enrolled in the program. Each year, RHS vocalists are chosen for participation in the Minnesota Music Educators All-State Choirs, as well as for various honor choirs throughout the United States. Many RHS alumni continue to sing at the collegiate level and several have chosen careers in music.
Numerous choral performances are given each year from September to June. Choir students and staff are also heavily involved in a number of RHS Theatre Arts productions, including an annual musical revue show and a Broadway musical. In addition, the music and dance department sponsors a dual summer camp, VocalMotion and Ovation, for students in grades two through five and six through eight. The overall choral program at RHS has grown significantly, doubling in enrollment since 2000.
Organization name
Rosemount High School Choir Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
3335 142ND ST W