Rochester Public Library Foundation

A nonprofit organization

$4,172 raised by 63 donors

100% complete

$4,000 Goal

This fundraiser is of vital importance as we know the funds coming in to our library are not enough to provide all of the services our community wants and needs.  We are making every effort to keep staff, resources, and programs alive.  Funding is needed to acquire new materials especially digital books as the demand is great and wait lists are long.

YOU can help our library team by helping to fill in our funding gaps! 

YOUR dollars allow us to offer the award-winning (and Nationally-Recognized) programs and services that our community depends upon, like new books, home delivery, and online resources like scanners, computers, online business courses, language learning, resume building, online job search tools and much more.

Your gift can honor or remember a loved one, your business or can be completely anonymous.

THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for pitching in whatever you're able!  Your donations help ensure that knowledge and learning are free to all now and into the future.

Brenda Kardock, Executive Director - Rochester Public Library Foundation

Foundation Information

Thank you for taking the time to consider supporting the Rochester Public Library Foundation.  We help our local library pilot innovative programs, provide engaging series, purchase new materials, and serve our community, especially where there may be gaps in funding. 

We have funded programs, initiatives, and technology, such as laptops for checkout, literacy tutors, WiFi hotspots, a part-time social worker at the library, new books, community listening sessions, and much more.  Did you know that a free library card allows access to all of RPL's resources, such as books, bikes, games, DVD, cds, telescopes, as well as digital access to genealogy, consumer reports, job training/application resources, tutoring, learning a new language and more?!

All are welcome at the Rochester Public Library  and everyone can find free resources to help navigate and better their lives, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.  

To see your dollars at work, check out our efforts at :


Organization Data


Organization name

Rochester Public Library Foundation

Tax id (EIN)



Education Children & Family Community


101 2nd St SE
Rochester, MN 55904


507 328 2387

Social Media