Organization name
Randolph Heights Elementary PTA
Tax id (EIN)
As a non-profit organization, the Randolph Heights PTA focuses on:
In all our activities we emphasize enriching the learning experience of students and their families both in the classroom and beyond. Our major initiatives include:
Educational Grants
Our annual Direct Teacher grants of $250 for each educator and a library endowment fun provide consistent, predictable funding to teachers and classrooms in support of the current curriculum or new opportunities.
Artists in Residence
During the school year, we are introducing have an Artists in Residence program. Each class will receive visits from a professional music teacher to enrich our Core Knowledge curriculum with complementing, hands-on, personal experiences. Northern Clay will also be visiting our school and working with each student to create a one of a kind clay piece.
Special Purchases
The PTA may fund one-time or special purchases that support learning, such as new sound equipment, musical instruments, and classroom equipment like projectors and iPad accessories.
The Teacher Appreciation program provides meals or snacks for school conference days and many activities during Teacher Appreciation Week in the spring.
Field Trip Support
The PTA pays for one field trip and one bus for each grade so the students can enjoy a unique learning experience. The PTA also provides funding for field trip buses, as well as scholarship funds for the annual 5th grade trip to Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center.
Recognition and Fun
The PTA also supports School Patrol Recognition, Fifth Grade Graduation, Track and Field Day, kindergarten programs, and other activities that build community and enhance learning.
Doing Good Together
Doing Good Together is a time for Randolph Heights families to come together for an evening of community service work.
All-School Events
All-school events — such as our Fall Festival and Spring Picnic — are eagerly anticipated by students and lots of fun for parents and grandparents, too. These events help build a strong Randolph Heights community.
Garden Crew
Our school has a lot of gardens! They are kept looking great by parent, staff, and student volunteers who enjoy several gardening days together in the fall and spring.
Accelerated Reader
The PTA pays all the fees for the Accelerated Reader program in an effort to support the reading objectives at our school.
In order to achieve these initiatives we need to raise $45,000 this school year. We appreciate your help in achieving this goal and supporting our amazing students and teachers and Randolph Heights.
Organization name
Randolph Heights Elementary PTA
Tax id (EIN)