Productive Alternatives Inc

A nonprofit organization

14 donors

Productive Alternatives Inc. is a nonprofit agency that is dedicated to providing diverse human services programming, offering viable workforce opportunities for businesses and manufactoring and marketing innovative products for over fifty years.

Our Services include:

Employment Services and Contracted Labor-Various Vocational Rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities. Provide short term or permanent contracted labor to supplement their existing labor force.

Products/Manufacturing-PA manufactures their own "prime products" as well as contracting for assembly, packaging, collating or re-work needs.

Day Training and Habilitation (DT&H)-programs serve persons with developmental disabilities and may or may not include vocational emphasis. Non-vocational programs at Fergus Falls Willows and Parkers Prairie provide services which are designed to maintain and improve abilities and self help skills. Eligible participants must be 18 years of age or  older and be referred by a County Case Manager.

Detoxification Services-PA provides a Subacute, freestanding, private nonprofit detoxification center for persons 18 years of age or older.

Transit-Transit Alternatives is a public transportation system with wheelchair accessible buses available to Otter Tail and other Western Minnesota counties. Curb to curb services are offered with special care given to children and seniors. Services for users with three or four wheeled mobility aids are available.

Crisis Stabilization Unit-is a four bed, short term facility located on the Fergus PA campus that provides services for adults experiencing a mental health crisis.

Productive Alternatives serves approximately 1000 people per day in Alexandria, Brainerd, Fergus Falls (Main Office & Campus) Little Falls, Moorhead, Parkers Prairie and Perham.

Thank you for your support!


Organization Data


Organization name

Productive Alternatives Inc

Tax id (EIN)





1205 N Tower Rd
Fergus Falls, MN 56537


(218) 998-5630