Organization name
LEX Specialty Clinic/PRC of Cambridge
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Health , Children & Family
140 Buchanan St. N STE 138Cambridge, MN 55008
Sometimes in life we are required to act boldly and confidently in the face of uncertainty or danger. And that is the definition of courage. We have all had times in life that required courage. Courage to make a decision. Courage to take that new job. Courage to tackle a health issue. Courage to face a loss.
Many days at Lex Specialty Clinic/PRC of Cambridge, we help families find courage to move forward with a life-giving option in tremendously challenging circumstances. Our goal is to serve each person with compassion, help and hope!
We provide confidential help to anyone that walks through the door. We offer pregnancy testing, pregnancy confirmation ultrasounds, STI testing and treatment, advocacy, abortion education and alternatives, post abortion healing, parenting education and material help, life skills education, and more. We also provide help & referrals for financial guidance, adoption, housing and continued education.
We have two locations, one in Cambridge in Isanti County and one in East Bethel in Anoka County. YOU can share your own courage and help us provide our FREE services to those in need in these communities and the surrounding region!
Thank you for helping us help others to have great COURAGE and give LIFE!
Organization name
LEX Specialty Clinic/PRC of Cambridge
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Health , Children & Family
140 Buchanan St. N STE 138