Mission - Transforming lives by fostering mental health and well-being through creative innovation
Vision: To evolve the thinking about mental health and well-being.
The statistics are staggering: Suicide remains the second leading cause of death among ages 10 to 25, and 1 in 5 adolescents will experience a severe episode of mental illness, with 55% of those diagnosed with severe depression going untreated.
Since 2016, PrairieCare Fund has made significant strides in supporting Minnesota communities by awarding over $1.6 million in granted funds to schools and nonprofits. These grants provide vital resources such as general mental health education, embedding mental health curriculum within classrooms, suicide prevention initiatives, creating calm spaces, and much more.
Despite these efforts, there is still a significant $5.7 million gap in funding. Your support can help us continue our mission to make a lasting impact on youth mental health in Minnesota. Together, we can work towards a future where every young person has access to the mental health resources and support they need to thrive. Join us in creating positive change today.