Population Connection

A nonprofit organization

32 donors

We educate & advocate for voluntary global population stabilization.

Since 1968, Population Connection (formerly Zero Population Growth or ZPG) has been America's voice for population stabilization.

We are the largest grassroots population organization in the United States. Population Connection has 140,000 members, supporters, and participating educators. We educate young people about unsustainable population growth through K-12 lesson plans that reach 3 million students a year. We inform constituents across the country about their congressional representatives' stances on population growth and family planning. And we work directly with Congress and the White House to inform family planning policy and funding levels.

The global population has doubled from 3.5 billion, when ZPG was founded, to 7 billion today. Population growth rates have fallen around the world because of the success of voluntary family planning programs. But the global fertility rate is 2.5--still higher than the "replacement level" of 2.1 children per woman. At this rate, the world's population will grow to 11 billion by 2050 and nearly 27 billion by 2100! Of course, demographers expect that fertility rates will continue to decline around the world. With the right investments in family planning education and services, the population could peak at 8 billion in 2050 and begin to shrink thereafter. In fact, if this low-fertility projection comes true, the population in 2100 would be 6.2 billion--the same size that it was in the year 2000. 

Population Connection works to ensure that every woman around the world who wants to delay or end her childbearing has access to the health services and contraceptive supplies she needs in order to do so. Typically, when woman have access to affordable birth control, they have fewer children, regardless of income or educational levels.


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Population Connection

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