Organization name
Pillsbury Elementary School
NCES ID Number
Education , Children & Family
2250 Garfield Street NEMinneapolis, MN 55418
Pillsbury is a Diverse Pre-K-5 community school located in Northeast Minneapolis. Pillsbury Elementary is a safe, challenging, nurturing learning community striving to meet the individual needs of students and families. Our school is home to more than 420 students (72% free and reduced lunch, 24% English language learner, 17% SPED, and 6% homeless highly mobile).
We are
A safe, challenging, nurturing learning community striving to meet the individual needs of students and families.
We will
Educate, motivate and provide opportunities to develop skills and acquire knowledge through quality instruction and leadership,
So all are
Engaged and successful in their ongoing education, life-long learners and productive, respectful, global citizens.
Perseverance: We will not give up on ourselves or our community and will strive to find unique solutions, especially when the task before us in difficult or complex.
Relationships: We are stronger together and, with respect and compassion, we will build a thriving school community.
Integrity: We are advocates for truth, fairness, and justice even if we stand alone.
Diversity: We will ensure that everyone from all backgrounds feels welcome and represented in decision making. We address conflict respectfully and compassionately. All voices are heard. We address our unconscious biases.
Exploration: We will encourage creativity, imagination, and problem-solving and will do the hard work necessary to achieve our goals together.
Organization name
Pillsbury Elementary School
NCES ID Number
Education , Children & Family
2250 Garfield Street NE