Organization name
Pilgrim Center for Reconciliation
Tax id (EIN)
International , Faith , Community
PO Box 22086Minneapolis, MN 55422
$1,307 raised by 10 donors
13% complete
$10,000 Goal
Our unique approach to reconciliation was first developed in Rwanda and neighboring Burundi in the aftermath of the genocide as a way to rebuild trust in individuals and communities that were shattered. For nearly 25 years we have extended this work of reconciliation to multiple countries in Africa as well as many diverse communities in the US.
Whether you’re in northern Uganda or northern Minnesota, eastern Africa or the east coast of America—we all have bondages, burdens, brokenness, baggage and bitterness that block those rivers of living water from flowing in our lives.
And when we’re dammed up inside nothing works well, individually or corporately. We’re blocked from experiencing true reconciliation with God, with ourselves, in our relationships, in our communities and into the world.
The work of the Pilgrim Center is to come alongside and help remove those blockages so the rivers of living water can flow in and through us.
Organization name
Pilgrim Center for Reconciliation
Tax id (EIN)
International , Faith , Community
PO Box 22086