Organization name
People & Pets Together
Tax id (EIN)
Animals , Community
3745 Bloomington AveMinneapolis, MN 55407
Please visit our 2021 Give to the Max Day page:
People & Pets Together is working hard to ensure that no pet goes without food, and families stay together, during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are seeing increased demand from families facing financial difficulties. Your support will allow us to continue to provide pet food and other help to a growing number of people in need.
This comment from a client at the People & Pets Together pet food shelf is a sentiment we often hear. Sometimes—in sickness, or after losing a job—we need our pets the most when we can least afford them.
People & Pets Together helps families facing economic hardship by providing pet food to food shelves in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area, by operating a pet food shelf in Minneapolis, with a veterinary assistance grant program, and through other programs that keep pets healthy and in loving homes.
By supporting the relationships that people have with their pets, People & Pets Together hopes to improve the health of our communities and let everyone feel the love and support that a relationship with a pet can bring.
2020 was a very busy year. At the People & Pets Together pet food shelf, we distributed over 95,000 pounds of dog and cat food to people in need to help feed beloved pets. In addition, another 90,000 pounds of pet food was delivered to Twin Cities food shelves! People & Pets Together's veterinary assistance grant program continued to help cover emergency vet bills for low-income households.
Organization name
People & Pets Together
Tax id (EIN)
Animals , Community
3745 Bloomington Ave