Organization name
Paws For Learning, Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Animals , Health , Children & Family , Community , Volunteer , Emergencies
PO BOX 17436SAINT PAUL, MN 55117
Hello awesome human!
Welcome to Give to the Max Day 2023!
Paws For Learning has a $5000 matching gift available! Will you help us complete our match? Your tax deductible donation will support the specialized assistance that Paws For Learning teams provide in Minnesota and neighboring states.
Paws For Learning provides four legged, tail wagging partnerships for medical students, primary - post secondary students and staff, first responders, behavioral health and wellness staff, and hospice and palliative care communities.
Thank you so much for considering a matched donation to Paws For Learning! Every donation matters to us as we serve individuals and communities with our canine and feline partners.
Gratefully yours,
The Paws For Learning Pack
Since 1998 Paws For Learning packs have assisted in communities for:
"It takes our mind off the last call we had and we actually spend some time connecting with each other and with the dogs...we love it when the dogs are here!"
- Veteran Fire Fighter
“I showed a picture of me with your dog Willis to my family. They said it was the first time they have seen me smile in weeks…”
-Police officer
-Clinical Social Worker
"I feel like I stumbled upon such a thank you!"
- School Counselor following a death of a student
-School Principal following a school crisis
Organization name
Paws For Learning, Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Animals , Health , Children & Family , Community , Volunteer , Emergencies
PO BOX 17436