Organization name
Our Lady of Grace Catholic School
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Science, Tech & Business , Faith
5071 Eden AveEdina, MN 55436
Our Lady of Grace (OLG) is a private, co-educational, Catholic School welcoming students from Preschool through eighth grade. A three-time recognized National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, Our Lady of Grace is an exemplary educational experience - nurturing and expanding the hearts, minds, and souls of students since opening its doors in 1949. Families are drawn to OLG and its community of learning, inclusion and faith, grounded in a motto of 'Leading with Yes' - saying yes to personal excellence, reaching beyond ourselves, and the call to share God's love.
We are having a wonderful year here at Our Lady of Grace Catholic School. Thank you for all the ways you have contributed to our school since it opened in 1949.
All funds raised for the 2024 Give to OLG Day support school enhancements (safety, security, and technology) and scholarships at OLG School.
Our goal is to raise over $75,000 on that day.
We ask you to please prayerfully consider donating to our Give to OLG Day campaign. Whether you donate $100, $250, $1,000 or more, your gift helps enhance the educational excellence of Our Lady of Grace Catholic School and supports our students and teachers in so many ways. All gifts are tax-deductible.
You can donate by:
Thank you for any contribution you make towards the 2024 Give to OLG Day, in support of school enhancements and scholarships. Because of the generosity of you and others, Our Lady of Grace is able to live its mission of making Jesus Christ known and loved.
Corporate Matching Grants
Many companies offer matching grants, so if your company is willing to provide a Corporate Matching Grant, please complete and submit the OLG Corporate Matching Gift Form. In addition, here is a listing of companies that have Matching Gift Programs in Minnesota.
Organization name
Our Lady of Grace Catholic School
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Science, Tech & Business , Faith
5071 Eden Ave