Organization name
National Wildlife Federation
Tax id (EIN)
Environment , Animals
11100 Wildlife Center DrReston, VA 20190
Wildlife’s ability to survive the challenges of the 21st century is becoming outpaced by the events that are transforming our world. Global warming, the loss of habitat, and people becoming more disconnected from nature than past generations are converging on a dangerous path for our planet. The work of NWF and our affiliates across the country provides answers to these challenges and will help ensure America's wildlife legacy continues for future generations. NWF works to improve federal and state policies that will improve wildlife conservation on hundreds of millions of acres of public, tribal and private lands, including thousands of miles of streams, rivers, lakes and coastlines across America. The organization encourages Congress to pass legislation that includes adequate funding for natural resources and directs federal agencies to include climate science in their wildlife conservation management plans. Dedicated staff, members, volunteers and affiliates of NWF are focused on protecting all of America's Photo of Fly Fishergreat waters from coastal Louisiana and the Great Lakes to biologically-rich wetlands across the country. All of these are vital to securing clean water for people, fish and wildlife as water supplies deteriorate in a warming world. In all, National Wildlife Federation’s work from coast to coast, community by community, helps protect, connect and restore habitat to ensure a healthy wildlife legacy for future generations. Source:
Organization name
National Wildlife Federation
Tax id (EIN)
Environment , Animals
11100 Wildlife Center Dr