Northern Voices

A nonprofit organization

$22,067 raised by 95 donors

88% complete

$25,000 Goal

If you are lucky enough to know one of our students or graduates, you know the value of the gift of spoken language. What does this gift mean to you - and can you give it to another child with hearing loss, today?

The early and intensive intervention offered at Northern Voices makes all the difference for children with hearing loss. Please consider donating at a level that is meaningful to you -- whether it is $25, $250 or $2,500 so we can continue to do our important work -- because, it works!

Did you know that the average high school graduation rate for students identified with hearing loss is only 77% in MN?

BUT, the graduation rate for Northern Voices alumni is 100%. Northern Voices gives children with hearing loss the best possible start.

AND, Northern Voices graduates are not only kindergarten ready -- they are college bound! After 25 years, we've seen our alumni attend: Anoka Ramsey Community College, Amherst, Asbury University, Bemidji State University, Carroll College, College of St. Catherine's, Creighton University, DePaul University, MN State University - Mankato, Smith College, St. Cloud State University, St. Olaf, Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Denver, University of MN-Rochester, University of MN-Twin Cities, University of Wisconsin-Madison and many more to come! 

We are proud of our student outcomes! No other program in MN provides the high quality intensive early intervention that is available at Northern Voices...that’s why it’s so important that YOU support our program!

Our students make incredible progress every day at Northern Voices. Sadly, school districts are not funding our services, requiring parents to pay tuition. Your donation supports our families with critical scholarship and program support to make it possible for all families who choose listening and spoken language to attend Northern Voices. 

Many of you have a child, or know a child, who has learned to use their voice at Northern Voices. Thank you for supporting us today, in any way you can, so that more children can "hear the possibilities" and use their voice to make our world better. 

From Our Parents:  

Northern Voices is much more than a school.  It is a place of hope, encouragement and support.  Our son is getting the fundamental building blocks he needs to succeed and the confidence to overcome obstacles in his path. Northern Voices is giving him the best possible start in his education.

Northern Voices is like a second family to us.

Northern Voices has given us hope that our daughter's life will be big, bright and promising.

Northern Voices reminds us that a little bit of hard work now equals endless possibilities in the future.

Northern Voices will allow our daughter to speak up for herself and find her place in a hearing world.

Northern Voices gave our son an extraordinary gift that no other institution could provide; the gift of spoken language. It is a place of hope.

Northern Voices saved our daughter's future.

Northern Voices gave us hope when we were told there was none, family when we felt alone and a reassuring shoulder when we needed strength. 

Northern Voices opened up a whole new world of possibilities for our children. 

Northern Voices gave our son a foundation.  He never spoke before coming to Northern Voices. Now he never stops. 

Organization Data


Organization name

Northern Voices

Tax id (EIN)



Education Health Children & Family


1660 County Rd B, West
Roseville, MN 55113


(651) 639-2535

Social Media