North Senior High School

Public School

47 donors

Together, we are building a caring community committed to academic excellence and personal integrity.

North Community High School Academy of Arts & Communications is a small college preparatory school that cultivates scholarly global citizens through inquiry, art exploration and communication skills. Its highly-qualified, multitalented, caring staff is dedicated to fostering a school culture that supports students academically, socially, emotionally through the implementation of research-based teaching strategies, integrated art and communication curriculaand safety nets. It is a learning community where every student is known well and Success is the Standard! Students are engaged in rigorous learning activities that precipitate analyzing, synthesizing, evaluating, reflecting, and taking action. Its mission is to ensure that all students acquire the knowledge, skills, and habits to succeed in a challenging college program and 21stcentury workforce. We are committed to advancing students from their present level of academic performance to a level that exceeds high school standards.

Organization Data


Organization name

North Senior High School

NCES ID Number



1500 James Ave North
Minneapolis, MN 55411