MSUM Foundation

A nonprofit organization

$37,545 raised by 198 donors

Transform the world by transforming lives.

The MSUM Foundation creates opportunities for generations of MSUM students by inspiring alumni and friends to connect, engage, and give.

Show your Dragon Pride by donating toward the mission and promise of MSUM—transforming the world by transforming lives. 

Student Rachel Schumacher says, "A Scholarship from MSUM has had a tremendous impact on my life and continually shows me the support that I receive from this school."

Examples of how your donations can help students today: provide opportunities to study abroad, participate in groundbreaking research under the guidance of faculty, receive scholarships based on merit or financial need, and grow programs in areas of the arts and athletics by supporting discretionary funds that cover expenses that state funds cannot provide. The possibilities are limitless.

Please consider making an online donation today. Your gift can transform a life.

Greatest Needs Fund

The Greatest Needs Fund is essential to the day-to-day operations of the MSUM Foundation and in supporting the needs of the university. The Greatest Needs Fund directly and immediately impacts fundraising for scholarships, programs, experiential learning, and improvements to facilities.

The Greatest Need is a powerful source of unrestricted funding critical to the continued success of MSUM. Gifts to the Greatest Need immediately impact today's students, faculty, and the university overall.

Feel like sharing your Dragon Pride on Twitter today? Find us @MSUMOORHEAD and use these hashtags to spread the message: #DragonsGive #DragonPride #MSUM.

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

MSUM Foundation

Tax id (EIN)





1104 7TH Ave S
Moorhead, MN 56563



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