Organization name
Minnesota Valley Habitat for Humanity
Tax id (EIN)
1106 S. Broadway, Suite A PO Box 832NEW ULM, MN 56073
It has been several years since we incorporated the "Brush with Kindness" projects into our organization. These projects are done to help those who need not necessarily a new living situation, but an improvement to their current home. This year, we are pleased to be helping a Springfield resident in need of roof repair to prevent leaking in her home. The roof renewal is a great undertaking that requires a professional tradesman. The home improvement project will be a relief for the homeowner, as well as a rewarding project for our chapter of Habitat for Humanity. As with all things regarding Habitat for Humanity, this is a hand up, not a hand out. The homeowner will still shoulder the responsibility of the payment. Donors like you help our organization assist these homeowners by giving them affordable payment plans. Lend your neighbor a hand up with us.
Organization name
Minnesota Valley Habitat for Humanity
Tax id (EIN)
1106 S. Broadway, Suite A PO Box 832