A nonprofit organization

Supporting All Who Care For, Educate, and Work on Behalf of Children. 

The Minnesota Association for the Education of Young Children (MnAEYC) and the Minnesota School-Age Care Alliance (MnSACA) promote quality in early childhood and school age care programs and support the leadership and development of early childhood and school age care professionals. We forward this mission by focusing on Professional Development, Program Improvement, and Policy & Advocacy.

Like most non-profit organizations, MnAEYC-MnSACA has faced numerous pandemic-related challenges over the last two years. After making the difficult decision to lay off the entirety of our paid staff team and end the lease on our physical office space in 2020, our Board of Directors has worked hard to keep our agency afloat with countless hours of volunteer service. Without dedicated staff to run our daily operations, our services were pared down in order to keep our organization sustainable so that we could ensure our presence in Minnesota’s early childhood and school age care community for the years to come. 

In the last half of 2021, we've been able to bring a paid staff member on board to take on the daily tasks our Board has been shouldering and begin to ramp up our operations to get us closer to our pre-pandemic level of service. Our 2021 story is one of resilience, hope, and survival. We are proud to have weathered the storm, grateful for the Herculean efforts of the Board who pulled us through, and making progress towards a streamlined, intentional vision of MnAEYC-MnSACA’s future.

Your gift can support early childhood and school age care professionals in the field through:

  • Membership Scholarships
  • Advocacy efforts at the Capitol
  • Advocacy resources to help those in the field get involved
  • Networking events
  • Expanded professional development offerings
  • Discounted training/event fees
  • And more!

Thank you for your support. 


Organization Data


Organization name


Tax id (EIN)



Education Children & Family


1875 Greeley Street South
Stillwater, MN 55082



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