Minnesota Lyme Association envisions each person affected by Lyme or other tick-borne disease leading a healthy and vibrant life.
Why do we work so hard?
- Lyme disease is the fastest-growing vector-borne disease in the northern hemisphere.
- The CDC recently released a report confirming that annual surveillance cases numbers are around 300,000.
- About 2,000 cases are reported to the MN Health Department each year; actual cases are likely 10 x higher.
- Each and every Minnesotan is one tick bite away from the devastating effects of Lyme disease.
To fulfill our two-fold mission, MLA
- Meets 2nd Tues of every month, White Bear Lake District Center
Hosts monthly support group meetings throughout the state - Provides credentialed speakers covering a wide range of Lyme-related topics
- Sponsors accredited continuing education courses on tick-borne diseases for physicians and nurses
- Offers scholarships to physicians to attend ILADS phyicican training
Hosts a booth at the Academy of Family Phyicians and other medical conferences to introduce physicians to new Lyme disease information - Presents information on tick-borne diseases to the public via large-scale events such as Linwood Days, the Minnesota Horse Expo and Warner Nature Center Fall Color Blast, and smaller community-based gatherings
- Accepts speaking invitations from private clubs and organizations
- Collaborates with lawmakers and elected officials on Lyme-friendly legislation
Hosts public screenings of the Oscar-contending documentary "Under Our Skin" - Despite its stated intention, the CDC actually promotes a narrow definition of Lyme disease. The information it provides to physicians is limited in scope and ignores a large body of scientific research. Misinformed physicians under-diagnose Lyme disease on a grand scale.
- As documented in 4 National Institutes of Health studies, people with Lyme disease may endure great suffering. Symptoms are widespread and variable; they often worsen, leaving patients unable to attend school or work. Some problems may persist following treatment. The societal costs of Lyme-related disabilities are tremendous.
Get more details on our website: www.mnlyme.org