Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Community , Ideas
PO Box 18438Minneapolis, MN 55418
MinnPost is a nonprofit news enterprise, supported by our community, that analyzes and interprets Minnesota news and culture. Our reporters serve as trusted guides into the critical issues and challenges facing our state. We increase accountability of government and public institutions, foster civic engagement and conversations, and illuminate the human lives affected by decision-making in our state.
Core to our mission is the belief that all Minnesotans should have access to news about the important issues at play in our community, regardless of their ability to pay for it. That's why everyone can read all of our reporting for absolutely free every single day. You won't hit a paywall or be forced to pay a subscription fee to read any of our coverage.
Instead, we rely on voluntary contributions from our readers — who contribute nearly two-thirds of our funding — to keep our nonprofit newsroom thriving. If you're able to give, your donation funds independent, local journalism AND ensures it's available to all Minnesotans.
Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Community , Ideas
PO Box 18438