Organization name
Minnesota Fire Exploring Association
Tax id (EIN)
825 41st Ave NEColumbia Heights, MN 55421
Fire Exploring is a unique opportunity for young men and women ages 14-20 to train side-by-side with firefighters. This program - Exploring - through the Boy Scouts of America, comes at minimal cost to youth and represents outstanding benefits to both youth and host organizations. With constraining municipal budgets, MN-FEA was formed to support Fire Departments with this program and encourage the formation of new posts. MN-FEA coordinates several region-wide events including a State Competition at the MN State Fair, team-building events, and other joint-training events. Through donations on Give To The Max Day and other charitable efforts, we want to expand our joint training opportunities and help support new fire exploring posts. We thank you in advance for your support and welcome any questions or in-kind opportunities as well.
What will your donation provide?
Organization name
Minnesota Fire Exploring Association
Tax id (EIN)
825 41st Ave NE